CRM Adoption In Higher Ed

Although CRM has become very wide-spread in the corporate world, it has yet to be explored much among its adoption into the higher education system. When it comes to higher education, there is a constant rise of higher expectations. Those within the system are expecting more from the system, so it is up to CRM adoption to help meet these rising expectations.

Choosing an Open Source Solution

by Martin Davis

The debate over the ability of open source programs to handle enterprise-class businesses, complex nonprofit operations, and government needs is largely over. While the heavyweights in the proprietary world aren’t going away anytime soon, organizations are increasingly coming to realize that to ignore open source solutions is placing their business at a competitive disadvantage. But not all open source is created equal. What’s the better web solution—WordPress, Drupal, Joomla? What about a CRM—SugarCRM, CiviCRM? I could go on, but you get the point.

Choosing an Open Source Solution

The debate over the ability of open source programs to handle enterprise-class businesses, complex nonprofit operations, and government needs is largely over.

Marketing Foundations: Educational Marketing

Selling to businesses generally means longer sales cycles. Prospective clients will need to walk through multiple approvals in their own companies before agreeing to purchase, so it’s important that you, as the seller, build multiple relationships within the prospective company.
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